All posts by suzanne

UNRWA: Should it Be Disbanded?

The United Nations Relief and Welfare Agency (UNRWA) has been credibly accused of facilitating and even participating in the devastating Palestinian attack on Gaza. A few years ago, my wife Suzanne and I were invited by a Palestinian taxi driver to visit his home in the Qalandiya refugee camp on the outskirts of Jerusalem. We met his family and ate a delicious meal with them. Qalandiya was not what we expected of a refugee camp. It seemed like one of many Arab towns in Israel, but it was under the administrative control of UNRWA. Our host and his wife were both born in Qalandiya, and they planned to stay because of the so-called “right of return” narrative that is widely believed among Palestinians. It seemed to us then that UNRWA was a vestige of the past that served no useful function. It is worse than that now.

Are We Ready for a Woman President?

Inside an ice sculpture in Joensu, Finnland
Inside an ice sculpture in Joensu, Finnland

I was in Joensuu, Finland as the primary race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was in full swing. Finland is considered the most “American” nation in Europe, and Finns were wondering whether the U.S. was ready to elect a woman President.

No one was asking about a black President, but the civil rights struggles of blacks and women are very interconnected. In 1870, we were forced to choose between them, and women’s rights came in second. Fifty years elapsed between the Fifteenth and Ninteenth Amendments, so women got the right to vote a long time after black men.

We were at a political crossroads eight years ago. The question I asked then was, “If Obama becomes President, will it be another half century before we have a woman President. We’re at another political crossroads. Here’s the background I recorded in Finland.


Oops! Pardon Me

There’s a fair amount of political buzz about the possibility of President Obama pardoning Hillary. We have a long history of presidential pardons that raise intriguing questions. If you’re interested, read my article. I deal with these questions:

  1. Can a President issue a pardon for anticipated indictments?
  2. Can a President issue a pardon for an indictment even though the individual has not yet been convicted?
  3. Can a President issue a pardon for someone lawfully convicted and in prison?
  4. So, what about Hillary?

Let me know what you think. If you have something you’re wondering about in current news, please let me know.


Failed States in the Middle East

I recently gave a presentation on Failed States in the Middle East. It included an update on the precarious situation in the “Stans” of Central Asia. We have a personal interest in Kazakhstan since we’ve been there twice and have friends there. Even though these nations are generally off our radar, it’s important to keep an eye on Islamic radicalization wherever it is progressing.
Failed States in the Middle East May 9, 2015

If you prefer to download the recording, here’s the link: Failed States in the Middle East (right click and save as)
The mildly annoying crackling sound is a result of the recording device being in my shirt pocket. Sorry.
